At first glance this doesn't look like large purse. Granted there is nothing to reference it with.
Behold its Glory!
- Check book
- Wallet
- Wallet thing for credit cards (orange thing)
- Name badge
- Chapstick
- Lotion
- Flashcards
- Coffee cup
- Tupperware which once held dinner
- Tylenol
- Ibuprofen (different pains call for different meds)
- Sunglasses
- Headphones
- Glasses
- iphone
Don't be jealous men because your pockets cannot measure up to women's purses!
Great job, both of you. Happy anniversary. I have really fond memories of this day 3 years ago also. It was a beautiful wedding and it has been an even more beautiful time for the you guys. Many more years of all you have experienced, plus some.