Our one year old

Elliott is one year old! (Yes, it happened a couple of months ago but I'm just now sitting down to talk about it.) I could have never imagined such an awesome child. Sometimes I just sit and watch her play and think about how easy she's been. She's a great sleeper, a great eater, a lover, silly, and smart.

Here are some pictures from her birthday party

What I love most about her age is watching her personality develop. She loves to be around her family. When we go to visit her cousins she's immediately off and running to play. She plays hard with her cousins and only comes out when she smells food. I'm not sure what she loves more... food or family. This girl is scrappy when it comes to food. She'll sneak from the counter, pull a stool in the kitchen, throw an elbow to beat a cousin to a goldfish, and scream like heck if she doesn't get what she wants.
Some challenging personality traits are stubbornness and impatience. If I put her in her highchair and there isn't food on her tray, she flexes all her muscles and screams. We are working diligently to stop this habit but it hasn't broken yet. We tell her "That's not how you ask, say please," and then she'll sign "please" or "more". I'm thinking we're might have to start adding  more than words to break that bad habit.
And boy is she stubborn, just like her Dad. If there's something she really wants, usually the ipad, she's willing to accept the consequences and play with it anyway. It's funny to watch the wheels turn. She will put her finger as close as she can without actually touching it, while we tell her "no touch." As she looks us straight in the eyes, she slowly gets a little closer and goes in for the kill. Even after getting a swat she'll try again. I think we have our work cut out for us these next couple of years. But she's worth it!!
