Another plain old family update. I've been lacking inspiration for anything deeper. Hang in there guys, I'll think of something. Also, please excuse this terrible formatting. My computer is killin' me!
Elliott is talking like crazy and says the funniest things. I think she’s over her tantrums (hallelujah) and back to her pretty adorable self! We built her a playhouse, bought her a bike, and next is a “jumpoline”. I think this summer will be the best yet with her. She is also pretty good with her brother. She puts up with his drool, biting, and hair pulling, although she’s not afraid to tackle him every so often. Easton is on the move! He’s getting pretty fast at crawling and stands on everything. He shakes his head when you say “No” and babbles easy sounds like “PaPa.” Sometimes he’ll wander down to his or El’s room and play by himself. But mostly he loves the bathroom… and the toilet. What is it with that kid and poop! He’s still mainly breastfed and will eat solid food here and there. With Elliott I was so excited to start the next phase but I’m content taking things slower with him. He is pretty much the happiest baby. All I have to do it look at him and he smiles. Some sickness and teething got his sleeping schedule off but he’s back to sleeping from 7:30-5am then back down for a couple hours. I think when he’s a year old I’d be okay with getting pregnant again…FOR THE LAST TIME!! I think I’ll make my goal of being done before 30. For me, life is pretty perfect. I’m getting my desired 20-24 hrs per week at work, still in ICU, and still loving it. My sister also talked me into trying a Crossfit style gym, JC Fit. At first I was very reluctant as I’m…. well… lazy. But now I’m a bit ashamed to say I’ve joined the cult. I love having something to break up my day when Jesse is gone at work. Three of my other sisters, old friends, and new friends, help make it more of a social hour than just a hellish workout. I can also take the kids and they’re usually pretty good. And best of all I’m seeing progress. Three months post-partum I started out going to JC Fit 2 days a week. Then Jesse and I joined Advocare and completed our first 24 day challenge and I was able to lose the rest of my weight from Easton. Now I’ve been trying to go 3-4 days a week and I’m smaller and stronger than I was before Elliott. Jesse is also doing amazing. He has lost about 30 lbs without working out. I’m still working on getting him addicted to Crossfit but he might be a harder nut to crack. He’s been working a lot of overtime to get the bronco ready for our next OBDR trip (Oregon Back Roads Discovery Route). There is always something that needs fixed or upgraded on that thing… typical boy. Wish us luck on our trip. Tent camping along the way of a couple hundred mile trip should be interesting with our two little ones.
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