The Final Countdown

Well here we are... 2 weeks until Owen's big arrival. This pregnancy has physically been like my others: easy, still working, feel great, able to work out, etc. But emotionally it's a bit different. With this one I'm, well, kinda dreading it. How terrible is that? I can't believe I can even confess it in public. But if you were in my shoes I think you'd understand.

Elliott is 3. She's amazing don't get me wrong, but she can also be challenging. She is still very emotional and breakdowns are part of our daily life. Bedtime is also still a gamble. Easton is 16 months and in the phase where he wants to climb and explore on everything. He gets himself on the kitchen counter and by the grace of God hasn't fallen off yet. He also goes through phases where he doesn't sleep through the night. It doesn't help that he has LITERALLY been sick since he was one. He goes back and forth between a snotty nose and a terrible cough. This week we had the pleasure of adding diarrhea to the mix. Despite his constant sickness though he is a pretty happy boy. But he's still only 16 months old and requires a lot of supervision and attention.

Just to give you an idea, here's what my day was like. Jesse worked today so that means he's gone from 7am until 9am the next day. Easton woke up at 4am, couldn't fall back asleep, even tried a bottle, and at 4:30 he was sick of laying in bed. So him and I went to the couch for an hour and watched cartoons. He eventually fell asleep and back to bed he went. But of course then I couldn't sleep so I read birth stories online for a while. Then Easton was up at 7:30 followed shortly by Elliott at 8. Nothing eventful happened until we headed into town to run errands. Target then Joann's. Now usually I only make 1 stop because the kids don't last very long and I shouldn't have pushed my luck today. Both the kids were tired. I was THAT mom with one crying baby in the cart who refused to sit down and just about cracked his head open trying to escape. So naturally I had to carry him. Then Elliott melted because I drew the number for the cutting line and she wanted to pull the number. Then she wanted me to hold her too. So there she stood, about 5 feet away from me refusing to walk because "It was too hard" while I held a crying Easton, with my big ole pregnant belly, calming waiting to get my fabric cut while judging judgy onlookers looked. The kids cried or whined the whole way home. Easton went back to bed only to wake up mad as a hornet 30 minutes later. He finally cried himself back to sleep while Elliott and I had rest time. She got her iPad privileges taken away for throwing a fit so we snuggled and she fell asleep even though it was now 3:30 and far too late for a nap. I practically had to pour cold water on El to wake her so naturally she was a real peach. We all headed for the gym where I locked them in the kids room and after about 10 minutes of Elliott crying she finally came to turns with her fate and began to happily play. Easton went to bed like a champ. Elliott is still upset that Easton is now in her room and she really let me know. About 30 minutes of crying, waking Easton up, and 1 spanking, they both finally fell back asleep. It's now almost midnight and Easton has woken up twice. Now imagine a baby in the mix. AHHHH!!!

Okay pity party over. Sure some days are difficult with two young kids, but I'm sure every parent goes through this. We also had very good times today. Lots of dancing, crafts, and eating ice cream out of the container. And we will adjust to having a new baby. But I am completely aware of the fact that it will not be easy. And therefor, the dread.

But I am finally beginning to prepare for our precious new man. Easton and Elliott have been in the same room for 4 nights now. Easton has done excellent but Elliott isn't very happy. We had talked about the transition for months now and have even had his bed and decorations up. But now that he is actually in HER room she isn't as happy as she'd claimed. At every nap time she is worried that he'll mess up her special things. At bedtime today she begged me to "quietly pick him up and put him back in his own bed." When that wasn't an option she begged to sleep in our bed. I didn't realize how much this whole transition would effect her. Even moving his clothes in caused her great grief because they went in HER dresser. I have tried to make her new room very special with new bedding and new paint but I think it's just going to be hard for a while. She is going to want and need a lot of love and attention when new baby arrives.

Now that Easton is with Elliott I can prepare Owen's room. I finally took out the baby clothes and today I think I finished up my shopping for him. The nursery will stay the same. His diaper bag is packed, the new car seat is on the way, and I have a small stockpile of diapers. I think we're finally at a place where if he came early we'd be ready. It's still all very surreal that another child will be entering our home.

And if you ask Elliott we will be having 2 new children in the home. She has maintained the idea throughout my pregnancy that she has a baby girl in her tummy. Today at Target she was even picking out her baby new clothes for when she gets here. Im actually a little bit worried that she's going to be really upset when her baby doesn't come out. Not real sure what to do about that. She has a ton of baby dolls so I don't think I can appease her with a new one. Maybe a realistic style one? Any ideas would be much appreciated. Anyways... I have no idea why I'm still awake. I'm sure my next post will include baby pictures! Goodnight.
